What Affects Business Operations

Uncontrollable circumstances happen every day across the world. No business is exempt from the risks and effects associated with disruptive events and shifts or trends in their operating environments.

An organization’s ability to detect, effectively respond to, and recover from incidents and crises as they occur is increasingly a necessity.

Natural Disasters and Weather

Global Disruptions

Disruptive Technologies

Security Breach

Government Policy Changes

Supply Chain Disruptions

Accidental Events

Deliberate Harm

How Businesses Can Be Affected

Disruptions can directly impact the ability of a business to maintain operations. Impact of the availability of its people, equipment, facilities, data/information, and supplies can lead to downtime.

Downtime can be catastrophic for the business and its stakeholders, causing major losses for an organization.

Developing A Resilient Business

The Future Ready Program allows businesses to:

Maintain continuous business operations through disruptions

Safeguard people, jobs, and assets

Access the comprehensive RISR tool for evaluating business preparedness

Avoid operating from crisis to crisis

Join the Future Ready Program-Contact us today!

contact information

Write us or contact us on our social media

Office of Operational Excellence

301 Sparkman Dr. NW 

Huntsville, AL 35899

email: futureready@uah.edu 

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